Sunday, April 18, 2010


...A story is told of a village somewhere at the centre of the earth. In that kingdom was a very rude and wicked king with a lot of subjects. Now it was a common knowledge that whosoever got invited to the king's palace did not return. As a result many dreaded passing around the the palace not to talk about an invitation into it.

This was a very wicked king indeed who ruled his people with such fiery and intimidating vigour. Many in their thousands had once gotten the invitation to see the king and never returned. The fate of anyone going through the gates of the palace was death and nothing else.

One day a very poor farmer returned from his farm and whiles relaxing to enjoy a bowl of his favourite meal prepared by his wife sees the palace messenger approaching his house with the usual invitation axe. Upon this sight this poor farmer knew that his hours were numbered and that his time was up to die. Truly the invitation was for him this time. And with such sorrow and heartache he sent his wife to summon his three best friends to bid them farewell before taking those dreadful steps and his final to the call of the king.

On arriving simultaneously at the farmer's house these three friends were indeed sad and could not control their emotions and busted into great outcry to mourn the soon to depart friend. In the process each of them made a promise to the farmer to demonstrate to him how much they really loved him. And one after the other they each spoke to show their solidarity.   

The first friend told the farmer how much he loved him and would exhibit this by holding his hands and taking him through his (the farmer's) house gate. The second also promised the farmer taking him as far as to the gates of the palace and bidding him goodbye. Finally the last friend who was the most quietest of them all and the one who the farmer had trusted in the least also spoke. He told the farmer that he would take him through his gates and through the palace's gate into the presence of this awful and dreadful ruler.

The question I pose to you is, among these three friends who can be considered to be the best of all? Is it the first or second or the third.........? Well the verdict is below.


The village in this scene is the world or the earth in which we are and the king is man's old time foe, Satan and the king of death. You are the farmer and the three friends are:

These things include wealth, cars, houses or estates, pleasures of lust, money, businesses, sports and all the likes. In this world of ours we at one time or the other have encountered these things and have sought after them with such zeal and alacrity. These things in themselves are not bad but the over emphasis on them. Some of us make them our gods and worship them. We will do anything by hook or crook to get them. We will use negative means if possible to lay hands on them. Even lies.

We may even sideline our Sunday service to seek for them. We will use these things on ourselves and will not even bother to help that neighbour of ours who do not know where the next meal is coming from. In terms of preference they come up first. But how far can these things take us in life? Yes they may be good but why make them all your life to the detriment of God and your soul? "What shall it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? Mark 8:36,37.

Do you know when you will die and when it comes of what use are these to your eternity? What will you tell God whom you have sidelined for these things. Will the basis for your entry into heaven be based on how much stuff you accumulated on the earth? Where is your heart? Are they after God or things? Where is your heaven or earth? At the end of the day when life is no more what value will they be? Should you face God right now will He find sincerely in you a heart that puts Him first?

At that hour when you are called over you will never go with any property of yours but something called a covering and a box. So what will happen to all the wealth accumulated without observing God's word?

The next in line are friends whom we so much hold to and will consider their counsel over that of the word of God. Yes friends are a part of the world and we do need them as badly as we do the Bible but what kind of friend do we have? As the adage goes, show me your friend and I will show you your character. Friends can make or unmake us. Due to bad friends we can end up in eternal damnation. Friends can lead us into all sorts of sins and violations that are contrary to the word of God.

But even our best friend can only go so far with us as long as death is concerned. The farthest they can take us is to our grave and it ends right there and life will continue as normal hours later. At worse scenario you will observe a funeral party with lots of food and drink and people will be partying just after burial. Oh man what are we here for? Who will genuinely take us all the way. Will your mum or dad or siblings or best friend die for you? Can anybody take our place of death? Never it will never happen. We all seek our own and have left the needy and poor behind. Oh God have mercy.

A few years back during a burial service for a young man who had died, many of his colleagues sobbing seriously could not contain the sight of their friend. They began crying that they will go with the deceased into death but there was one who was much serious about it and quiet drunk. Now there was another mourner who having observed this guy for sometime decided to assist him, so as soon as the body was lowered into the grave he pushed this guy into the grave. Could you image the speed with which this guy jumped out of the deep? That speed could have easily overtake a concord aircraft and he ran off from the cemetery all together. What happened to his initial plans? Well that's man for you. 

On the day of reckoning and judgement each of us will stand alone to give account. Our best friends cannot defend us. They will have to defend themselves. So please do not make man your hope and all. Bible says cursed is the man that put his hope and trust in man. Man will disappoint you but God will not. Let us have friends but let us not make them our gods. They are fallible also and can lead us astray. It is only God whose word and advice we should fully heed to. God is the best counsel even in death.

"Greater love hath no man than this that a man will lay down his life for his friends" John 15:13. Yes Jesus is the only friend and will truly suffer with us and take our place even at death. At the cross of Calvary over 2000years ago Jesus died for you and me. He took the place of all mankind by dying for us. He bore our sins , sicknesses, pain, sorrows, poverty and death as well. He did all these for us so that we wouldn't have to go through them again. He already paid the price we had to pay.

He took our place and gave us hope and a future with Him and the Father in Heaven. We do not have to die again after living the world. He died to give us life. He did not just died but most importantly Jesus rose again from the death and conquered death in victory. It means whosoever believes in Him will not die again after departing the earth. We will live happily with Him in Heaven after we live the earth. JESUS IS THE BEST FRIEND YOU WILL EVER HAVE.

He is faithful, caring, understanding, forgiving, loving, interested in your well-being, always near you, shares your concerns, knows you intimately and inside out, knows your thought and prayers even before you say them. What more can you look out for in a friend? He cares for you and will always be there for you. If you do not know Him yet, please accept Him as your Lord, Friend, Saviour and King. He will make the difference in your life. Never depart this earth without knowing Him. "He that believeth on the Son {Jesus} hath everlasting life and he that believeth not on the Son {Jesus} shall not see life but the wrath of God abideth on him" John 3:36

How will you escape God's wrath if you have refused to accept His provision He made for you through the sacrifice of His dear Son. There is no way of escape but only through Jesus. He is there with you...right there where you are. Call on His name and you shall be saved. "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved" Romans 10:13. He is waiting to take away all your burdens. Cry out for mercy from Him and you shall see His salvation in your life today.


To commit your life to Him pray the following prayer:

“Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry, and now I want to turn away from my past sinful life toward you. Please forgive me, and help me avoid sinning again. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.”


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